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Exam Structure & Important Topics
Before diving into preparation strategies, it's crucial to understand the exam format and topics covered in the NCS-Core certification.
Exam Format:
  • Exam Code: NCS-Core
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Total Questions: 75
  • Question Format:   NCS-Core Dumps Multiple-choice & scenario-based
  • Passing Score: 300 - 400 (Varies)
  • Exam Fee: Varies based on location
Key Topics Covered:
  1. Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Concepts
  2. Cluster Management & Configuration
  3. Networking & Storage Administration
  4. Virtual Machine & Workload Management
  5. Data Protection & Disaster Recovery
  6. Performance Monitoring & Troubleshooting
Having a solid understanding of these topics will increase your chances of passing the exam successfully.

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