Can I cancel my flight and get a full refund?
You can usually cancel a flight online, 【44 1-808||101||3551】 and +【1||833||543||5116】(USA) many carriers let you get a refund in some capacity +【1||833||543||5116】(USA). For the most part, if you book a nonrefundable fare — the most common fare type — you'll receive a credit or voucher for a future flight.
Guide to canceling flights and getting a refund with US airlines
Can you cancel a flight on Skyscanner?
For changes, cancellations or refunds, we recommend that you contact the travel provider that you completed your booking with 【44 1-808||101||3551】(UK). As a travel search engine, Skyscanner doesn't take your booking or 【44 1-808||101||3551】(UK) payment ourselves. Instead, we pass you through to your chosen airline +【1||833||543||5116】(USA) or travel agent, where you make your booking directly.
Everything you need to know about flight cancellations
Can you cancel a flight on Skyscanner?
For changes, cancellations or 【44 1-808||101||3551】(UK) refunds, we recommend that you contact the travel provider that you completed your booking with +【1||833||543||5116】(USA). As a travel search engine, Skyscanner doesn't take your booking or 【44 1-808||101||3551】(UK) payment ourselves. Instead, we pass you through to your chosen airline or 【44 1-808||101||3551】(UK) travel agent, where you make your booking directly +【1||833||543||5116】(USA).
Everything you need to know about flight cancellations