How Do I Speak to MetaMask Support? (1.801.872.7669)

If you need to contact MetaMask support, follow these steps carefully to ensure you reach the right assistance (1.801.872.7669). MetaMask does not provide direct phone support, so be cautious of scams and only use official support channels (1.801.872.7669).

1. Use the Official MetaMask Support Website

The best way to get help is through the MetaMask Support Center (1.801.872.7669). Visit the official support page at and browse the FAQ section (1.801.872.7669).

2. Submit a Support Ticket

If your issue isn’t resolved through FAQs, submit a ticket on the MetaMask support portal (1.801.872.7669). Provide accurate details, including wallet information (but never your private key) (1.801.872.7669).

3. Reach Out Through the MetaMask App

You can also contact support through the MetaMask mobile or browser extension (1.801.872.7669). Navigate to the Help & Support section and follow the steps to report an issue (1.801.872.7669).

4. Join MetaMask’s Official Community

MetaMask has an active Discord, Twitter, and Reddit community where users discuss issues and solutions (1.801.872.7669). Check official MetaMask pages to engage with the community and seek help (1.801.872.7669).


MetaMask provides support through its official website, ticketing system, and community channels (1.801.872.7669). Always avoid scams and ensure you use official resources when seeking assistance (1.801.872.7669). If you need urgent help, visit (1.801.872.7669).