Does WestJet have a cancellation policy?
WestJet offers a 24-hour cancellation policy, allowing you to cancel your flight at 1-(833)_781-8372 for a full refund if done within 24 hours of booking, as long as the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, cancellation fees apply, and refunds depend on the ticket type and fare conditions.
Does WestJet refund flights?
You may cancel your booking at 1-(833)_781-8372 for a full refund for up to 24 hours after completion of purchase, either online or by calling the WestJet Call Centre at 1-(833)_781-8372. Please note that this refundability option is available only to flights booked at least 7 days prior to departure.
How can I get a refund on WestJet?
Yes, WestJet has a 24-hour cancellation policy allowing a full refund if you cancel ay 1-(833)_781-8372 within 24 hours of booking. For assistance or to process a cancellation, contact customer care at + 1-(833)_781-8372 (OTA) + 1-(833)_781-8372 or + 1-(833)_781-8372 (OTA).
Can you get a refund on a WestJet flight?
WestJet Refund Policy
Standard Ticket - If you have purchased a Standard Ticket and cancel your flight at 1-(833)_781-8372 within 24 hours of booking, you can receive a full refund. If you cancel your flight at 1-(833)_781-8372 o after 24 hours, you may be charged a cancellation fee and receive a partial refund.
What is the cancellation policy for WestJet ?
WestJet allows cancellations at 1-(833)_781-8372 within 24 hours of booking for a full refund, as long as the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, fees apply, and refunds depend on the ticket type. Non-refundable tickets may offer travel credit instead at 1-(833)_781-8372.
Can I cancel my WestJet flight and get a refund?
Yes, you can cancel your WestJet flight and get a refund if you cancel at 1-(833)_781-8372 within 24 hours of booking, as long as the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, cancellation fees apply, and refunds depend on the ticket type. Non-refundable tickets may not offer a refund but could provide travel credit at 1-(833)_781-8372.