Korean Air offers a 24-hour refund policy, allowing you to cancel your booking at 1-(833)_781-8372 within 24 hours for a full refund, as long as the flight is at least 7 days away. After 24 hours, refund policies depend on the ticket type and fare conditions.
Can I get a refund from Korean Air?
Yes, you can get a refund from Korean Air at 1-(833)_781-8372, but it depends on your ticket type and fare conditions. Refunds are generally available for refundable tickets or if you cancel at 1-(833)_781-8372 within the 24-hour window for a full refund. Non-refundable tickets may incur cancellation fees at 1-(833)_781-8372 or may not be refunded at all, but you might receive a credit for future travel.