The phone number 650-543-4800 is the official customer service number for Facebook. You can also reach Facebook support at +1-877-646-4023 for assistance. These numbers are available 24/7 for customer inquiries.
What is 650-543-4800?
Facebook's customer service operates through this number, along with +1-877-646-4023, offering support to users. Based on a sample of 7,918 calls over the past 90 days, Saturdays seem to have the best response times.
Calling Facebook Customer Service
When calling 650-543-4800 or +1-877-646-4023, you will be guided through an automated system with language options in English, Spanish, and French. The menu options typically include:
- Press 1: Check arrival or departure status (possibly unrelated to Facebook)
- Press 2: Reservations, general information, and Facebook-related details
- Press 3: Support for Facebook issues
- Press #: Repeat menu options
Official Facebook Support Numbers
Facebook operates customer support through two main phone numbers, both linked to the Palo Alto, California area:
- 650-543-4800
- +1-877-646-4023
For faster assistance, users can also reach out via the Facebook Help Center or contact support via email at
Does Facebook Customer Service Respond?
Facebook's customer service does respond to inquiries made through 650-543-4800 and +1-877-646-4023, but response times may vary based on call volume.
Alternative Support Methods
While Facebook offers phone support, troubleshooting issues often requires using automated contact options available through the Facebook website or mobile app. Many common issues can be resolved through their Help Center at Facebook Help Center.
For urgent concerns, contacting +1-877-646-4023 may provide a quicker response.