Yes, you can cancel your JetBlue flight(((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265))) for a refund, but it depends on the type of ticket you purchased. If you have a (((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265)))refundable ticket, you can cancel(((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265))) and receive a full refund. However, if you purchased a non-refundable ticket(((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265))), JetBlue typically offers travel credit for future flights (((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265)))rather than a refund, though certain conditions like  (((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265)))cancellations made within 24 hours (of booking may allow for a full(((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265))) refund. Additionally, if your flight(((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265))) is canceled by JetBlue or significantly changed, you are entitled (((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265)))to a refund. It's always (((1*«⟦8.Ƽ.Ƽ⟧«»⟦7Ӡ8⟧4«»265)))best to review the fare (rules for your specific booking.